How to earn free coins is very easy
Otomatik Bedava 5000 litecoin kazanma yöntemi
How can you earn Litecoin at Autofaucet-Dutchycorp?
There are 2 ways to earn Coins there. You can use their Autofaucet or roll from their Faucet. You can roll every 30 minutes and the cryptocurrency you get will change every month. The community can vote for the next cryptocurrency. That’s a really cool idea, it’s great that the community gets a say in it. By the way, there are 2 type of rolls, one earns you Coins directly, at the other roll you will earn Duchys. We will explain a bit later, what Dutchy means.
You will earn the most Coins from the Autofaucet. You can choose between 2 different options, ExpressCrypto Mode or Balance Mode. ExpressCrypto Mode sends your Coins directly to ExpressCrypto and with Balance Mode, you get them to your Autofaucet-Dutchycorp account. If you use the second option, you get 10 % extra. You can also select how often you want to claim. If you set it to 10 minutes, you will earn the most from it, but it will take the longest. If you set it to 1 minute, you earn less, but you earn it faster.
44 farklı kripto para birimi arasından seçim yapabilir ve aynı anda 5 tane seçebilirsiniz. Bu, zamanlayıcınız her 0'a düştüğünde, seçilen kripto para birimlerini kazandığınız anlamına gelir. Ancak Autofaucet'lerini kullanabilmek için biraz Dutchy edinmeniz gerekir.
You can choose between 44 different cryptocurrencies and you can select 5 at once. That means, every time your timer goes down to 0, you earn the chosen cryptocurrencies. But to be able to use their Autofaucet, you need to acquire some Dutchy.

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